Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Interior – House -day

Music begins to play, film starts with transition of one second fade from black to an establishing shot of a street. Camera CUTs to low angle shot of the sky camera begins to slowly tilt downwards onto the house. In between the tilt, camera cuts to a long shot of a busy road, cars and buses drive by. Camera continues tilt downwards unto the house. Camera CUTS to medium shot of younger brother combing his afro.

Younger Brother: This guy man, he is over there!

Camera CUTS back of the younger brother head watching TV.

Camera CUT to an extreme long shot of older brother walking towards the house the older brother is wearing a dark green adiddas jacket with his hood up. Camera CUTS to a close up of the back of the younger brother’s head watching TV. Camera CUTS to a long shot of the older brother walking on the driveway towards door getting his keys out of his pocket. Music volume increases. When the older brother reaches the door the Camera cut to an extreme close up older brother using his keys to open door camera begins to zoom out as the older brother begins to take his first steps into the house.


Scene 1-living room and dining room

Camera CUTs to medium shot of older brother shutting the door behind him and taking his hood down. As the Older brother walks away from the front door, the Camera Cuts to an extreme long shot of the back of the older brother walking through the corridor and into the dining room. Music fades out.

Older brother: Yo e-man you in?
Younger Brother: yeah I am in here

As the older brother reaches the end of the dining room, the Camera CUTS to low angle shot of the older brother standing and leaning on the wall with the younger brother sitting on the couch. Camera cut to an over shoulder shot of the older brother talking to the younger brother.

Older Brother: Has mum and dad gone yet?

As younger brother moves his head The camera cuts to low angle shot of the younger brother

Younger brother: ere blad! (stern)

Camera cut to over the shoulder shot of older brother

Younger brother: they left in the morning! (stern, raises voice, facial expression cross)

Camera cut to low angle shot of the back of younger brother sitting on the couch the older brother begins to move towards the younger brother with his hand in his pockets

Older brother: oi bruv don’t give me that attitude (facial expression annoyed irritated)

Camera cut back to over the shoulder shot of older brother moving toward younger brother

Younger brother: Shuttup man! (raises voice, annoyed)

Camera cut to low angle shot of the back younger brother.

Older brother: who do you think you’re talking to? (angry)

Older brother raises his hand towards the younger brother. Younger brother flinches and leans back.

Younger brother: what’s your problem? (furious)

Older brother walks off

Camera cuts back to over the shoulder shot of older brother walking off, the younger brother facial expression is furious.

Camera cuts to Medium shot of older brother leaving the room walking into the dining room as older brother pulls the chair to sit down the camera tilts downward. High angle shot of older brother taking his books out of his bag. As the older brother is taking his books out his bag camera cuts to medium shot of younger brother taking his phone out of his pocket and starts to text. Camera cut to high angle shot of older brother taking out his folder. The camera cut to an extreme close up of the younger brother phone, a text is sent. Then the camera cuts to a POV shot of the older brother highlighting his exam timetable .camera cut back to a long shot of older brother taking off his jacket leaving it on the chair walking off into the corridor. Camera cuts to a long shot of the older brother walking through the corridor towards the camera he puts his hands on the banister as he is going upstairs. Camera cut to long profile shot of older brother walking upstairs.

Interior- house -night

Scene 2

Another High angle of the sky camera begins to tilt downwards as camera tilts downwards the shot slowly dissolves from day into the night . Camera CUT to long shot of younger brother standing up from couch stretching his arms out and yawning. Camera cuts to close up of younger brother scratching his head and walking towards dining room. Camera cuts to long shot of younger brother and tracks him walking towards the dining room. As younger brother walks pass the dining table he notices the older brother exam timetable as younger brother reaches out and grabs the older brother’s exam timetable the camera tilts downwards then the camera tilts upwards as the younger brother bring the exam timetable to his face to read. Meanwhile upstairs the older brother is tidying it up. Camera cuts to an extreme close up of a pillow being pulled across. Camera cut and tilts upwards as the older brother is fluffing up his pillow. Camera tilts downwards as older brother puts the pillow on the mattress. Downstairs the older brother is feeling smug that he found the older brother’s timetable. Camera cut to a medium shot of younger brother looking at the older brother’s timetable

Younger brother: alright then (cocky)

the camera CUTS to a medium shot of the older brother upstairs in his room pulling his curtains together. Downstairs in the living room the younger brother receives a phone call. Camera cuts to a High angle shot of younger brother sitting on the couch his mobile rings. Upstairs the camera cuts to a close up of the older brother wrapping up his mp4 and putting it on his desk. . Camera CUTS back to long shot of younger brother downstairs, the younger brother stands up from the couch speaking on the phone.
Camera tilts upwards.
Younger brother: yeah, hello

Upstairs, Camera cuts back to an extreme close up of older brothers hand arranging his shoes. Downstairs, camera cuts back to close up of younger brother downstairs in the kitchen speaking on his phone.

Younger brother: He is always bullying me! the way he was talking to me this morning! (Irritated, raises voice)

Camera cuts back to frame shot of older brother arranging his shoes. Over the duration of the shot there is voiceover of the younger brother speaking on hisphone.

Younger brother: look he’s got an exam tomorrow and that guy isn’t definitely not gonna make it, yeah that will teach him a lesson (stern)

Camera cuts back to close of younger brother downstairs in the kitchen

Younger brother: yeah just trust me gotta go man bye.

Upstairs the older brother has finished tidying up his room, Camera cuts to medium shot of older brother leaving his room. Camera cut to Long shot of the back of the younger brother downstairs walking out of the kitchen. Camera Cuts to high angle shot of younger brother and older brother at the bottom of the stairs.

Younger brother: Good luck man (smug)

Camera cuts to low angle medium shot of older brother and younger brother. Younger brother is going up the stairs.

Older brother: What you talking about? (Surprised)

Camera cuts to High angle shot of older and younger brother. Younger brother is walking up the stairs.

Younger brother: (chuckles) don’t worry man

Camera cuts to long shot of younger brother and older brother at the stairs.

Younger brother: (chuckles) don’t worry

Older brother: (sighs)

Older brother walks into the kitchen. Camera cut to long shot of the back of the older brother walking to utility room to get something to eat. Camera cut to medium shot of younger brother going upstairs. While downstairs the camera cuts to medium shot of older brother taken bread and butter to the kitchen counter. Camera cuts to medium shot of younger brother upstairs opening the door to his bedroom. Camera cuts back to a medium shot of the older brother just finishing eating his sandwich. Camera cut back to high angle shot of younger brother getting into bed.

Scene 3 House night

Downstairs the camera cut’s to a long shot of older brother leaving the kitchen and going up the stairs to his bedroom as the older brother reaches upstairs he puts his hand on the banister camera cuts to medium shot of older brother walking to his room. camera cuts to medium shot of the back of the older brother he open his door and switches on the light and shuts the door behind him

As the night goes on camera cuts to an extreme close up of an alarm clock camera cuts to medium shot of younger brother peeking out of his room as the younger brother looks left to right the camera pans to a POV shot and pans from the stairs to the bedroom door of the older brother camera cuts to medium shot of younger brother sneaking out of his room he switches the light off in his bedroom and while keeping an eye out for any sign of his older brother coming out of his room and he closes his bedroom door carefully, Camera tracks younger brother as he goes down the stairs. As the younger brother reaches the end of the stairs camera cut to long shot of younger brother and track him walking into the kitchen towards the boiler. the younger brother pulls down the catch on the boiler. the camera cut to an extreme close up of younger brother turning up the knob on the boiler then the Camera cut an extreme close up of the screen on the boiler showing the temperature. When the younger brother has finished turning up the central heating. The Camera cuts to a long shot of pulling the lid of boiler back to its place. Camera tracks younger brother as he walks out of the kitchen towards the stairs. As the younger brother reaches the end of the stairs camera cut to medium shot of younger brother walking towards his bedroom, opening his bedroom door and shutting it behind him. Camera cuts to close of older brother’s face in bed. Due to the rise in temperature the older brother is tossing and turning in his bed throughout this, the shot goes through a series of dissolves. The Last shot dissolves into high angle shot of the older brother sitting on the edge of the bed flicking up his t-shirt up and down.

Scene 4 House Night

Camera cuts to medium shot of younger brother coming out of his room. Camera dissolves to medium shots of the younger brother downstairs messing up the living room by taking out board games books and controller pad and spreading them all over the living room. Camera cut to an extreme close up of older brother feet going downstairs. When the younger brother hear the older brother footsteps camera cuts to medium shot, he rises up the camera tilts upwards.

Younger brother: What’s that? (Surprised)

Camera cut to long shot of younger brother running away (tracked by the camera) from the living room he leans on the dining room wall. He keeps an eye out of the older brother in the background walking across the corridor into the living room. When the younger brother sees that the older brother is out of sight he makes a dash to the stairs. Camera cuts to medium shot and tracks younger brother running to his bedroom, younger brother looks backs at the stairs,

Younger brother: (sighs)

Younger brother goes back into his room. Camera cuts back to long shot of older brother tidying up the living room. As the older brother downstairs tidies up the living room the transitions of shot dissolves as the older brother puts back boar, games, controller pads and books back. Camera dissolves into long shot of older brother walking out of the living room back to bed.

Scene 5 House Night

Camera cut to an extreme close up of alarm clock. Camera cut to medium shot of younger brother coming out of his room the younger brother shuts the door behind him. Camera cut to long shot of younger brother downstairs in the living room he shuts the door behind him.. Camera tracks young brother as he walk towards the stereo in the living room, he crouches down and opens the glass door of the stereo. Camera cut to extreme close up of younger brother turning the volume knob all the way to the maximum. Music begins. Camera cut to long shot of younger brother leaving the living room he shuts the door behind him. Camera cuts to medium shot of older brother upstairs in his bedroom he is disturbed by the loud music, he is tossing and turning and puts his pillow over his head. Camera cuts to long shot of older brother opening the door into the living room walking towards the stereo with his hands over his head his facial expression is annoyed as he cannot stand the loud music. As older brother reaches stereo he crouches down with one hand over his head the camera tracks him. Camera cuts to extreme close up of younger brother turning down the knob for the volume. Music fades out. Camera cut to long shot of older brother and track him walking out of the living room the older brother shut the door behind him.

Scene 6 Interior- Day- School-classroom

Camera cuts to Establishing shot of Eastbrook School. Camera cut to close up pf whiteboard. On the whiteboard it has exam details Camera cut long shot of pupil writing on paper. Camera cut to close up of pupil writing on paper. Camera cut to long shot from classroom and tracks younger brother walking along school corridor the younger brother knock on the door. Camera cuts to medium shot and track teacher walking towards the door. As teacher approaches door Camera cuts to long shot of teacher opening the door, the teacher leaves the classroom and shuts the door behind her. Camera cuts to medium shotof younger brother and teacher talking.

Younger brother: here’s my coursework miss (hands over folder to teacher)

Teacher: Thank you (takes folder) Where’s your older brother? He’s got an exam (slightly concerned)

Younger brother: Miss I don’t know where he is (slightly raises his hands up)

Teacher: he’s supposed to be in here he’s got an exam (concerned)

Younger brother: (shrugs shoulders) I think he forget about it or something

Teacher: I’ll call him (takes out phone)

Younger : (takes step back) miss I have to leave (walks off)

Teacher looks back then dials number and brings phone to ear.. Camera zooms in on younger brother as he walks off. Camera cut to extreme close up of teacher calling older brother. Begins Camera cut to an extreme close up and begins to zoom out, of the older brother’s phone in his hands as he is still in bed. Music begins. Camera cut to high angle medium shot of older brother in bed with the phone still ringing in his hand. Camera cut to close up of teacher ringing older brother. Camera cut back high angle long shot of older brother in bed with the ringing phone in his hands. Film ends, shot cut to black. Credits roll.

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