Friday 27th November:
scene 1 - 9 am
Filming establishing shot of the house in the morning
Taking footage of roads and streets
Saturday 28th November:
Scene 2 -6:30pm
Establishing shot of the house during the night.
Wednesday 18th November:
Filming of argument between the older and younger brother.
Monday 30th November:
Filming of first scenario
Younger brother turning up the central heating
Thursday 10th December:
Pictures taken for film poster:
Older brother sitting on the edge of bed looking stressed
The younger brother watching him from outside the bedroom.
Sunday 13th December:
End of scene 2 after younger brother has found the timetable.
Scene 3- Beginning from when older brother has gone to sleep.
Wednesday 16th December: Filming of the last scenarios.
The tidying up of the shoes,
The younger brother messing up the house
Older brother cleaning it up
Younger brother on the phone.
Thursday 14th December: Filming of the last scene
Older brother missing exam
Dialogue between younger brother and teacher
Saturday 16th December: Evaluating footage. Re-filming any improvements.